For a delicious Autumn treat try one of these amazing French toast recipes.

Classic French Toast

French toast | Easy FoodFor the prefect French toast every time try this classic French toast

Apple brioche French toast

Apple brioche French toastAdd warm apple flavour to your French toast with this delicious apple brioche French toast

Strawberry stuffed French toast

Strawberry stuffed French Toast | Easy FoodThis amazing strawberry stuffed French toast
will make your day.

Butterscotch mascarpone French toast

Butterscotch Mascarpone French toast Easy Food

This Butterscotch mascarpone French toast recipe is full of delicious flavours.

Pain au chocolat French toast bake

Pain au chocolat French toast bake Easy FoodFor as easy and exciting breakfast for the whole family try this Pain au chocolat French
toast bake recipe.

Banana French toast

Banana French toast Easy FoodIf you love the taste of bananas this banana French toast
is perfect for you.

Parmesan French toast with sun-dried tomato and basil butter

Parmesan French toast with sun-dried tomato and basil butter Easy Food

This Parmesan French toast with sun-dried tomato and basil butter is a savoury twist on French toast.

French toast bake

French toast bake | Easy FoodThis French toast bake
is a simple and easy way to make French toast for the whole family.