Makes 1 jar

500g butter (or as much as you’ll use within three months)

  1. Place the butter in a saucepan over a medium-low heat. Place a sieve over a jar and line it with muslin, cheesecloth or a coffee filter.
  2. Once melted, keep the butter at a very low and gentle simmer, adjusting the heat as needed.
  3. Skim off the foam as it rises to the surface. Solid particles will begin dropping to the bottom; these can be strained out later along with any remaining foam.
  4. For clarified butter, once the foam has stopped rising to the top, pour the butter through the sieve into the jar. Allow to cool, then store and use as needed.
  5. For ghee, continue simmering over a very low heat until the butter changes colour from light yellow to deep gold and turns clear. Any remaining foam will clump together and fall to the bottom. Keep a close eye on the pan so that the butter doesn’t start to burn.
  6. Pour the butter through the sieve into the jar. Allow to cool, then store in a clean jar and use as needed.

Keep the tasty foam skimmed from the top and toss it through roasted vegetables, stir into soups, or mix it through popcorn

If you’d like to know more about ghee, we have an article for that!