Here’s a basic guide to approximate cooking times when using a slow cooker. Bear in mind that these are estimated times only and that cooking times will vary with the type of food being cooked, the size of the pieces and the other ingredients. Follow a recipe for best results.

Food type Approximate cooking times
Low High
Chicken fillets 6-8 hours 3-4 hours
Chicken thighs or legs 8-9 hours 4-5 hours
Beef or pork ribs 6-10 hours 4-6 hours
Brisket 8-10 hours 4-5 hours
Vegetables 2-6 hours 2-3 hours
Baked potato 8-10 hours 4-5 hours
Baked sweet potato 6-8 hours 3-4 hours
Rice 4-8 hours 2-3 hours
Soup 6-10 hours 3-5 hours
Stews and casseroles 6-10 hours 3-6 hours