Why grow your own produce? Growing your own food is easy, rewarding and inexpensive. You have full control over the growth of your vegetables, meaning that you can be guaranteed that your produce is organic and free from chemicals and pesticides. So where to start? Preparation is key. Vegetables need sunshine to help them grow […]
Results for "tart"
How to: make crab and leek quiche
This is a step-by-step guide to a crab and leek quiche, the full recipe for which can be found here. Lightly flour your work surface and place the thawed pastry on top. Roll the pastry out and shape into a large circle. Use the pastry to line a 23cm loose-based fluted tart tin. Use your […]
Home Ec: Let’s BBQ
As soon as the sun is out, or even sneaking out, the urge to barbecue takes over. Don’t let the flames of the grill intimidate you; once you follow these few tips you’ll be a barbecue master! Types of barbecue Charcoal These require charcoal and can heat to very high temperatures, however it is difficult […]
How to: use roasted peppers
Now you’ve learned how to roast your own peppers, here’s a few ideas on how to use them! Make roasted red pepper salsas, sauces or soups. Add to pasta dishes, risottos, Mediterranean salads or mixed antipasto platters. Cook into scrambled eggs, omelettes or frittatas. Add to tarts or quiches. Pile into a ciabatta or Panini […]
Top 10 uses for lemons in the kitchen
We in the Easy Food test kitchen, we go through lemons by the case! This has equipped us with a few handy pointers on how versatile and useful lemons are, especially outside of cooking. 1. Deodorise your fridge/ dish washer If you are zesting lemons or have some that are starting to go off try using […]
Top tips for pastry from an Easy Food stylist
The perfect pastry is a fine art! Whether it’s a pie or a Danish with your coffee, when pastry is done right, it can be a little slice of heaven. There are several types of pastry out there, including shortcrust, puff, choux and filo. It can be intimidating, but I’m here to break down the […]
The art of the cake: what you need to decorate
If you are as passionate about baking cakes as I am, now is the perfect time to move on to the next level: the art of cake decorating. Cake decorating can be something as simple as filling and icing a cake with buttercream, or as complex as piping delicate flowers on the sides of a […]
Easy Food competition winners
Congratulations to all our winners, we hope you enjoy your prizes! Please note that if you are a winner, you will be contacted by phone or email so please make sure your details are up to date. As per our terms and conditions and unless otherwise stated, winners have seven calendar days to reply; after […]
Parmesan popcorn
Melt the oil in a large saucepan over a medium-high heat. Put three or four popcorn kernels into the oil and cover the pan with its lid. When the kernels pop, add the rest of the kernels in an even layer. The popcorn should begin popping soon, and all at once. Once the popping starts […]
Bramley apple mousse
Place the apples in a saucepan and add the water, sugar and lemon juice. Simmer for 10 minutes until the apples are tender and just starting to break up. Liquidize and then push through a fine sieve to create a thin sauce. Place the cider into another saucepan, boil until reduced to about 5 tablespoons […]