The top 10 foods you may not be pronouncing correctly…
Açai (ah-sigh-EE)
The “c” is soft
Sriracha (shree-RA-cha)
There’s a hidden “h” after that “s”
Mascarpone (mass-car-POH-nee)
That last “e” adds a whole extra syllable
Espresso (ess-PRESS-oh)
There’s never an “x”
Tzatziki (dzah-DZEE-kee)
The emphasis is on the second syllable
Bruschetta (broo-SKEH-tah)
The “ch” is a hard “k” sound
Proscuitto (proh-SHOO-toh)
Pretend that “c” is an “h”
Radicchio (rad-EE-kee-oh)
Those “c”s are hard
Worcestershire sauce (WOOS-ter-shur)
It’s only three syllables
Quinoa (KEEN-wah)
Um… it’s nothing like it looks!
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