Results for "tart"

799 matching results for "tart"

All things macaron

Macarons are often made in beautiful pastel colours and are such an elegant bake. They have a crunchy exterior with a chewy texture. Filled with delicious curd, coulis, jam or buttercream, you really don’t know what surprise may be waiting inside. I am going to guide you through the ways of the macaron. What is […]

French toast sausage roll-ups

Cook the sausages under the grill until browned all over. Flatten the slices of bread by rolling with a rolling pin. In a shallow bowl, whisk together the eggs, milk and some salt and pepper. Starting at one end, roll each sausage up in a piece of bread. Heat a large pan over a medium […]

7 recipes of the most popular icings

Water icing Decorate 20-24 biscuits 200g icing sugar 3-4tbsp water In a bowl, add the icing sugar. Gradually add in the boiling water ½ tsp at a time until you get your desired consistency. The more water you add, the thinner the icing. Add in a few drops of food colouring to give the water-icing […]

26 salmon recipes you’ll want to make immediately

Packed with omega-3s, protein and — most importantly — flavour, salmon is one of our favourite fish here at Easy Food. Its richness means it can stand up to a variety of other big flavours, and we have no doubt you’ll find some new favourites below.   Breakfast and brunch Whether you’re throwing together a […]

Barbecued pork fillet fajitas

Place the olive oil, garlic, pepper, fajita spice and lime juice in a large sealable bag. Add the pork fillet, seal the bag and use your hands to work the marinade all around the pork. Place in the fridge for at least two hours or up to eight. Remove the pork from the fridge one […]

A guide to making your own wedding cake

When it comes to cake decorating, it can be quite daunting! However, there is no need to fear it. Cake decorating can be really fun and such a personal thing to make for any special occasion, especially your own wedding cake. Here is a handy guide for decorating your own wedding cake. Cake prep It’s […]

Get to know your icings

Ganache? Buttercream? Swiss meringue buttercream? There are so many different icings out there to decorate your bakes with. My first experience with icing was of course, the water icing! Decorating my ‘S’ biscuit in Granny Redmond’s kitchen. I expanded my horizons from there. Once you know the difference between each icing, you’ll be able to […]

12 mouthwatering lemon and chicken recipes

Pairing lemon and chicken together is like heaven on earth. The citrus flavour brings an out-of-this-world taste to any chicken dish. Here are 12 recipes to try when you want to cook a delicious lemon chicken meal. 

10 raspberry recipes to rave about

Raspberries are such a happy little fruit. Not only are they deliciously sweet and tasty, the rich red colour adds to any dessert that’ll make it a beautiful dish. Here are 10 raspberry recipes to rave about.

8 French favourites to celebrate Bastille Day

France has earned a reputation as a gastronomical capital of the world for a reason: from gooey Brie and moreish boeuf Bourguignon to sweet apple galettes and buttery croissants, the food landscape of the country is certainly something to celebrate. What better day to do so than Bastille Day! Celebrated annually on 14 July, this […]