Serves 10
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For the pavlova:
For the filling:
- Preheat the oven to 120°C/100˚C fan/gas mark ½. Line three baking trays with parchment paper.
- Use an electric mixer to whisk the egg whites in a clean, dry bowl for a few minutes until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, one tablespoon at a time, beating well after each addition, until the meringue is thick and glossy and the sugar has dissolved. Rub a little meringue between your fingers, if it’s still gritty, continue to whisk until sugar dissolves. Add the vinegar and cornflour and fold until just combined.
- Pipe the meringue mixture evenly onto your baking trays, creating circular shapes that decrease in size - the largest one should be 20cm, the middle one should be 15cm and the smallest one should be 10cm. For the top, simply pipe a small meringue. The two smallest layers should be able to share a baking tray.
- Bake in the oven for 1½ hours or until dry to the touch. Check on your meringues after an hour to make sure some layers aren’t browning too much. Turn off the oven and leave the pavlova inside, with the door ajar, to cool completely.
- To make the compote, combine half of the raspberries with the lemon juice and the caster sugar in a saucepan. Cook over a medium heat for five minutes until the sugar has dissolved and the fruit has softened. Set aside to cool.
- When your pavlova and compote are completely cool, then you can start assembling. Place the largest layer of the meringue on a serving plate. Dollop with whipped cream, top with a few tablespoons of the compote and and sprinkle with raspberries. Top with the next meringue layer and repeat this same step two more times.
- Once you’ve placed the final meringue on top, decorate the outside with a few sprigs of fresh mint and the remaining raspberries.