Makes 24
adjust servings:
Tick the ingredients you need to add your shopping list.
- Preheat oven to 180 degrees
- Simply toss all ingredients in a large bowl and stir until fully combined.
- Use a tablespoon to roughly get the same amount of mix for each cookie, roll in your hands and then place on a baking tray and flatten slightly with the palm of your hand.
- Bake for 15 minutes and check. It's best to bake these until nice and brown at the edges so the oats are lovely and toasted in flavour. Give them a few more minutes if necessary.
- Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes but definitely do eat while warm for best results!
Please don’t be afraid to change ingredients to suit what you have. The recipe that inspired us to try our own version of breakfast cookies had bananas not eggs, but we had no bananas yet a ton of eggs.
If you don’t have ground almonds, no need to worry, pop hazelnuts, cashews or even Brazil nuts in your food processor and blitz until fine.
Maple syrup could easily be replaced by honey, date syrup or sugar.
NB: Original inspiration for this recipe comes from Donna Hay’s Basics to brilliance – a healthy book for big and little kids.