Makes 4
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To serve
- Soak the onion in cold water while you make the base mix.
- Sift the flour, 20g of cornflour and the baking powder into a bowl, then add the chilli powder, turmeric and a good pinch of salt. Mix in the sparkling water to make a thick batter – add a splash more if it feels too stiff.
- Heat the oil in a wok or large heavy- based pan over a medium heat. You need at least 8 cm of oil, but do ensure the pan or wok is less than half full of oil as you don’t want it to bubble over.
- Drain the sliced onion and add to a mixing bowl. Add the ginger, chilli, garam masala, another pinch of salt and the extra tablespoon of cornflour. Mix together to coat the onion. Add the onion mixture to the batter and stir until all the onion is well coated.
- Test the heat of the oil by dropping a little drop of the batter in. It should sizzle and rise to the top
- Carefully add a rounded tablespoon of the onion bhaji mixture into the oil. You can squeeze the mixture in your hand to compact it, then put it back on the spoon to lower it in the oil – this will help give you a uniform shape that doesn’t fall apart in the oil.
- Repeat, so you have four or five bhajis frying at the same time. Fry for 3-4 minutes until the coating is dark golden brown. Remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and drain on kitchen paper. Repeat, working in batches, until the mixture is used up, keeping the cooked bhajis warm in the oven.
- Once all of the onion bhajis are cooked, place in a serving bowl and sprinkle with fresh coriander and chopped green chillies. Serve with lots of homemade mango chutney for dipping.
Test Kitchen Tip: Don’t add too many bhajis to the oil at the same time; the oil may boil over, but adding too much of the mixture will lower the temperature of the oil and will result in greasy, soggy bhajis.
Nutrition Facts
Per serving: 645kcals, 56.9g fat (11g saturated), 24.1g carbs, 0.4g sugars, 8.6g protein, 0.7g fibre, 0.576g sodium