Serves 4
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To serve:
- Pat the duck legs dry with paper towels. Use the tip of a sharp knife to prick the skin of the duck wherever it covers fat, but avoid piercing the meat itself.
- Salt the duck legs well and allow them to rest at room temperature for 45-50 minutes.
- Pour a thin layer of oil or duck fat into the bottom of a casserole just big enough to hold the duck. Place the duck legs in, skin side up, so that they’re close together but not overlapping.
- Without preheating, place the casserole in the oven and turn it to 150˚C/130˚C fan/gas mark 2.
- Cook the duck for an hour and ten minutes, then check it. The skin should be beginning to crisp up.
- Once the skin is starting to look crispy, turn up the heat to 190˚C/170˚C fan/gas mark 5 and cook for another 15 minutes until the skin is golden brown and crispy.
- Remove from the oven and allow to rest for 10 minutes before eating. Serve with a cheesy potato gratin and mixed greens.
Note: duck fat can be used as an alternative to olive oil if you wish.